


Achieving a zero-waste society would be a dream come true. However, in reality, it may be impossible to achieve, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try. 这里是十大网络彩票平台大全能源, we are doing everything possible to recycle or reuse as much of North London’s waste as possible.


零废物周 takes place from the 5th to the 9th of September 2022. It is an award-winning campaign raising awareness about the environmental impact of the waste we produce 作为一个社会.

We have become so used to a throw-away mentality; we give little thought to what happens to our waste. It doesn’t magically disappear into the ether; instead, 它最终被填埋, 海洋, 或者其他环境地点, 对十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金的野生动物造成危险.

The concept of 零废物周 was devised to raise awareness of what’s happening in our world, 认识到采取行动的必要性, 如:

By encouraging people to reduce their use of synthetic materials and plastic packaging and use alternative forms of transport, the campaign wants to increase the growing trend of sustainability.



Do you compost, separate your recyclables, and reuse as much as possible religiously? 或者你认为, 不时地, that you can’t be bothered and throwing one thing away won’t make a difference?

The problem is that ‘one thing’ mounts up and becomes many things over time, 这就是十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金, 作为一个社会, 必须离开.


十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金经常提到的一个统计数据是 every year 2 million tonnes of waste is created in London. 这是一个疯狂的数字. It doesn’t take a lot of effort to curb our wasteful habits; it just takes a bit of thought.


  • 使用可重复使用的瓶子和杯子

研究的结果 塑料量大 revealed that every household is throwing away an average of 66 single-use plastic items a week. Instead of buying a bottle of water every time you’re out and about, 开始使用可重复使用的水瓶. Not only will this reduce waste, but it will save you money 太. 拿自己的可重复使用的杯子也是如此.

  • 使用可重复使用的购物袋

一个生活袋将有助于减少浪费. 你所要做的就是记得把它带走. 当然, they’re not just for your weekly food shop; taking a bag with you every time you head to the shops will have a significant impact on the amount of waste plastic bags that fill our landfill every day.

  • 明智地购买并循环利用

Buying products that come with less packaging or recyclable packaging goes a long way toward reducing your daily waste.  

  • 如果你不吃,那就把它做成堆肥

你知道你所有的水果和蔬菜残渣吗, 鸡蛋壳, 咖啡渣, 剪草, 树叶可以被制成堆肥? 是的, 这需要一些工作, but it means you’ll save on buying fertilisers and plant food as well as help the environment.  

  • 购买二手物品,捐赠二手物品

Do you really need a new dress, pair of shoes, jumper, or shirt? Before you dash out to buy something new for your wardrobe, consider buying something pre-loved. 像Vinted这样的网站, eBay and Thrift offer lots of fantastic clothing items for sale at a fraction of the price of new, 此外,你也在尽自己的一份力量来减少浪费.

同样地, 当你完成某件事的时候, 考虑一下它是否可以升级回收或重复使用. 捐给慈善商店或者 第二次逛网点 will allow others the chance to use it 太 rather than sending it to the tip. 十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金一会儿再回来讨论这个问题

  • 减少纸张:邮件、收据、杂志

无纸化比以往任何时候都容易. Online bills, e-receipts, and online magazine and newspaper subscriptions help reduce



If you live in North London, did you know that LondonEnergy has its own Second Time Around shop at its Kings Road site in Chingford?

Often referred to as ‘Chingford’s hidden gem’ and ‘the shop you don’t want to tell your friends about’, it’s an Aladdin’s cave of full of gems donated to all LondonEnergy sites. 但它远不止是一家商店. The team provide encouragement and advice on how you can make the most of the bargains they sell. +, should you have an item that can’t be recycled or re-sold (such as duvets and mattresses), they’ll point you in the direction of a facility that can.

这是一个真正的社区中心,不浪费任何东西. All carrier bags have been donated by the public and there’s even an upcycle corner where many items are free to a good home. 更重要的是, 如果你想找一些特别的东西, the team will keep their eyes peeled and call you when it’s in.

It’s one example of how a simple idea can be turned into a thriving community, encouraging everyone to recycle more because second hand doesn’t mean second best.


No one person or organisation will solve the waste problem, 但如果十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金齐心协力,各尽所能, 十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金可以取得伟大的成就.

只需要一点思考. It’s time to think carefully about your daily habits and make as many changes as possible so you, 太, can help 零废物周 grow and succeed in its zero-waste aim.

LondonEnergy’s waste management system is helping the residents and businesses of North London adopt a less wasteful lifestyle to build a sustainable future.